When they see one of these impressive plants, the first thing people think of is that its huge leaves look like those on palm trees. So, many people assume that since Yucca plants look like some...
Category: Characteristics
When a yucca blooms, it’s breathtaking. They have beautiful bell-shaped white flowers that cascade down the stem. They’re lovely, but does a yucca die after it blooms? A yucca plant does not...
Yucca plants are found worldwide, and they are one of the more popular houseplants. Yucca plants are hardy, adapt to different climates, and survive months without water. With all of their great...
Yuccas are becoming more and more popular as landscaping elements. As a result, some of them have ended up in colder climates. And although many yuccas can withstand cold temperatures, the question...
Although yucca plants are slow growers, they can eventually reach 6 to 20 feet tall. Their root systems can become massive and spread 3 to 5 feet wide. Planting them near sewer lines or water pipes...
Yucca plants are tall and spiky plants often used in landscaping and decorating. They have a beauty about them with long-lasting flowers of different colors. All mature yucca plants can produce a...